What is Cuci.In


Cuci.In is a laundry service application that connects customers with service providers, aiming to enhance operational efficiency. The app supports economic and technological growth within communities and makes it easier for users to find laundry services through Android smartphones.

Project : Cuci.In UI/UX Mobile Application

Category : Laundry Services

Year : 2022


The technology that we aim to design is a comprehensive Integrated System for Laundry Services, which will seamlessly connect service providers with customers while optimizing operational workflows. The primary objectives envisioned for the development of this Integrated System for Laundry Services are outlined as follows:
1. Assisting the community in placing laundry service orders
effectively and efficiently.
2. Helping the community report issues in areas surrounding
laundry service providers.
3. Simplifying the process for shop owners or service providers
to serve customers using laundry services.

Logo Creation

logo Cuci.in Lomba USB-03

Base Color : 0096

Font : Cardigan





Cuci.in - Dewata Team 2022

Project Showcase from Figma Design